Dr. 布鲁克画

Dr. 布鲁克画
Anthrop Col Mgr-NAGPRA Coord
Earth and Environmental Systems, 部门 of
艺术与科学, College of
部门 of Earth and Environmental Systems


  • Ph.D. -人类学博士.D., University of 威斯康辛州 - Milwaukee - 2018
  • M.A. - Interdisciplinary Studies, Oregon State University - 2004
ENVI 130 World Cultures and Environments
ENVI 201 Prehistory and Climate Change
ENVI 435 Issues in Biological Anthropology

2018 Ph.D. Archaeology, University of 威斯康辛州—Milwaukee
2008 M.A.I.S. Historical Archaeology/停尸房考古/历史 of the Near Environment, Oregon State University
2004 B.S. Applied Anthropology, Oregon State University



画,B.L. (2018). Death in anonymity: Population dynamics and the individual within the Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery, 1882–1925. (Unpublished dissertation). University of 威斯康辛州—Milwaukee, 密尔沃基WI.


Boulware B.L. (2008). 圣. Paul: Historic cemeteries as cultural landscapes. (Unpublished master’s thesis). Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.


理查兹,P.B.琼斯,C.R.爱普斯坦,E.M.纽约州理查兹.W., 画,B.L., & Zych T.J. (2016). “You couldn’t identify your grandmother if she were in that party”:The bioarchaeology of postmortem investigation at the Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery. 在N.C. Nystrom (Ed.), The bioarchaeology of dissection and autopsy in the United States. New York: Springer 国际 Publishing.


皮卡德J.L.W .巴尔科.M., 画,B.L.理查兹.D. (2015). Summary of phase III excavations at the McHugh site (47WP294), Waupauca County, 威斯康辛州. The 威斯康辛州 Archaeologist (96)1: 118–123.

画,B.L. Ideology in historic cemeteries: A case study from St. 保罗,或. Field Notes: A Collegiate Journal of Anthropology (2)1: 1–14.


理查兹,P.B., Burant, E.E., 画,B.L.爱普斯坦,E.M.琼斯,C.R.纽约州理查兹.W., & Zych T.J. (2016). Nine for mortal men doomed to die: The archaeology and osteology of the 2013 Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery project (Froedtert Tract - 47MI0527). University of 威斯康辛州—Milwaukee Archaeological Research Laboratory Report of Investigations No. 381. 密尔沃基WI.

Zych T.J., 画,B.L.茨威格,C., & 理查兹,J.D. (2014). Phase II archaeological investigations of the Elder Brook School site (47OU309), Outagamie县, 威斯康辛州. University of 威斯康辛州—Milwaukee Archaeological Research Laboratory Report of Investigations No. 213. 密尔沃基WI.

画,B.L. & 理查兹,J.D. (2012). Phase II archaeological investigations of the McHugh site (47WP294), a nineteenth century Irish farmstead in Waupauca County. University of 威斯康辛州—Milwaukee Archaeological Research Laboratory Report of Investigations No. 187. 密尔沃基WI.

Terre Haute Farmer's Market Board of Directors

2018-present  Field Excavator/Analyst, Cardno

2011-2014 Collections Manager, 部门 of Anthropology | University of 威斯康辛州—Milwaukee

2013  工作人员 Archaeologist, Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery Excavation, Historic Resource Management 服务 | University of 威斯康辛州—Milwaukee

2004-2008  Supervisor/Analyst, Historical Archaeology Lab | Oregon State University 

2006-2007  Board Member, St. Paul Mission Historical Society, St. 保罗,俄勒冈州

2005-2007  Collections Manager, St. Paul Mission Historical Society, St. 保罗,俄勒冈州

2007  Records Supervisor/Excavation Supervisor, Episkopi-Bamboula Archaeological Project, Cyprus | University of Cincinnati

2006  Field Director, Fort Yamhill Archaeological Field School | Oregon State University

2005  Field Foreman, Fort Yamhill Archaeological Field School | Oregon State University

2004  Field Lab Technician, Fort Yamhill Archaeological Field School | Oregon State University

2003  Lab Volunteer, Champoeg Archaeological Field School | Oregon State University

2003  Student Excavator, Champoeg Archaeological Field School | Oregon State University

Historical Archaeology




Historic Material Culture

