美国 民主 项目

The 美国 民主 项目 is a multi-campus initiative that seeks to create an intellectual and experiential understanding of civic engagement for undergraduates enrolled at institutions that are members of the 美国 Association of State 大学 and Universities. The goal of the project is to produce graduates who understand and are committed to engaging in meaningful actions as citizens in a democracy. The 美国 民主 项目 is co-sponsored by AASCU and the New York Times and includes nearly 200 AASCU institutions.

At Indiana State, ADP engages students in democracritc life in a host of ways. With its targeted political engagement programming, 实地考察旅行, and institutional-level engagement efforts such as developing and implementing the 校园 Vote Plan, ADP is at the center of electoral and democratic engagement at Indiana State. Specific programs include voter registration efforts, 邀请演讲者, presidential debate watches, State of the Union Tweet-Ups, hosting local candidate forums, and many more such events.

Civic engagement or civic participation is any individual or group activity addressing issues of public concern. Citizens acting alone or together to protect public values or make a change or difference in the community are common types of civic engagement.

To learn more about getting involved in ADP, please email: 亚历克斯.Whitmore@vig2.net 



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STATE for ADP Fall Semester Dates:


  • 7/26-7/30 @Classroom Presentations
  • 7/29 @ Ice Cream Handout


  • 9/02 M @5-6: ADP Real Talk
  • 9/1o T @11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
  • 9/12 TH @11-1: Welcome to Terredice
  • 9/17  T@11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
  •  9/9 M@11-1: MATTERS OF STATE
  • 9/24 T@11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
  • 9/30 5-6真正的谈话



  • 10/1 @11-1: ADP Real Talk
  • 10/1 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
  • 10/7 @ Matters of state
  • 1o/8 @11-1: 11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
  •  10/10 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Stop & 服务
  • 10/22 @ 11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
  • 10/23 @ 11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
  • 10/24 @ 11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
  • 10/25 @  11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
  • 10/28@ 11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
  • 10/28 @ 5-6: ADP real Talk
  • 10/29 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
  • 10/30 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
  • 10/29 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
  • 10/31 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Stop and 服务


  • 11/1 11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
  • 11/4 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
  • 11/4 @6-8: ADP Election Watch Party
  • 11/5: @5-6 ADP real talk
  • 11/7 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Stop & 服务
  • 11/12 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
  • 11/19 @ 11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
  • 11/25 @ 5-6 ADP real talk
  • 11/26 @ 11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table


***ALL General Meetings will be held in the Tirey Hall Event Space on the main floor of the Center for 社区参与.

* * *所有披萨 & Politics Events will be held in DEDE I of the Hulman Memorial Student Union.

***ALL Voter Registration Tables will be held by the Fountain.